We are back!!!!

Hello dance Family,

The Community Corner Conversation Series is back after a much-needed hiatus. During our hiatus, we have had local and international presentations, The Legacy Series: Krump, the Jam Session at High park, Immersion Mentorship Program and our milestone 30th Anniversary Gala. Last season was quite a vibrant season. 

For the return of the Community Corner Conversation Series, I wanted us to reflect on a lesson that resonated with me last season; the inherently interdisciplinary nature of Black Art.

In many African and African cultures of the Diaspora, there are no separations nor boundaries in different art forms. Music, dance, storytelling, and visual arts—there’s no division between them. These elements are deeply interwoven, forming a fluid, dynamic approach to expression that transcends individual mediums. This blending wasn’t simply an artistic choice; it was—and is—a reflection of our cultural values, spiritual beliefs, and social practices. We were, and continue to be, communal beings, and our art reflects that communal nature of living. 

Storytelling has always been essential in Black culture. It is an oral tradition used as a way to pass down knowledge. Stories are shared through music, dance, and visual arts thus becoming living, breathing narratives that embody life lessons, histories, and emotions. Music and dance aren’t just entertaining performances, rather they are the vessels used to embody and communicate these stories. Visual arts like mask-making, sculpture, and drum-making are tactile expressions of our connections to the past, our ancestors, and to the very essence of who we are.

Our arts have always been intertwined, reflecting the diversity, complexity, and richness of our lives as African and people of African descent. But as we look at the art world today, the question I tend to ask: Is this interconnectedness still present? Is the line between storyteller, dancer, and musician more distinct now, or are we still finding ways to collaborate and merge our traditions?

Join us as we explore these and other questions in this season of Community Corner Conversations!

~ Zahra